Yeah yeah yeah, I'm a month late here, but Johanna has been ours for two years now! Here's the yearly update...
-46 inches tall (gain of 3 inches)
-40 pounds, 4 ounces (gain of 4 pounds)
-5T/6T shirts, 6T pants
-size 11 shoes
-sleeps from 8pm (or earlier if we can manage) until 7am-falls asleep on the ride home from school near the end of the week and sometimes needs woken up in the morning
-Chinese dance class
-Children's Music Academy classes
-Theraplay (still working on the meltdowns!)
-swimming lessons
-Healthy Kids Running Series (she is fast-placed 5th overall in the series among K/1st graders!)
-Sticky Fingers Cooking Class
-Chinese Heritage Camp
-skiing, hiking, camping, riding her bike, etc.
These have all pretty much remained the same. She still loves pink and yellow, all things girly, painting her nails and wearing fancy dresses, eating meat and chips and noodles, swimming, helping me cook, doing art projects and drawing, cats, playing with Jonas, and presents! In addition, she now also loves playing the card game war, getting her hair curled, unicorns, My Little Pony, counting in Chinese, veggie straws, and wearing fancy boots.
-moved to a new house about 20 minutes away
-started kindergarten at Global Village Academy with Mrs. Gregory and Ms. Mu (best friends are Emma and June)
-learned to ski with great control
-flew to Michigan alone with Jonas to spend a week with Grandma and Grandpa
-saw 3 shows (The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Newsies)
-rode a horse at Heritage Camp
-learned to ride her 2-wheeler bike
-got to be a flower girl at Aunt Morgan's wedding in California
-moved from her toddler bed into a full-size bed
-learned to tie shoes
-relearned lots of Chinese words (she spends half her school day in Mandarin immersion class)
-visits from Aunt Morgan, Mimi and Papa, Aunt Lindsey and Ignatius, Uncle Matt, and Grandma and Grandpa
-chosen to be in an art show for school
I'm still a regular on Instagram, so if you want to keep up with the kids, check out @aubreekeys!